Silchester Farm Live Music Guide

For us, Silchester is a venue that manages to balance the needs of its guests thoughtfully with the needs of the surrounding area. As their exclusive entertainment provider, we can help you choose the ideal lineup for your wedding. Here's everything you need to know.
Horizon Acoustic Party and Roaming Band Live Wedding Band Gecko Live Entertainment

We’ve care­ful­ly curat­ed every suit­able act right here on this page

Silch­ester is a won­der­ful 400-year-old Hamp­shire wed­ding venue. We know it bet­ter than any­one and our deep under­stand­ing of the venue and sur­round­ing area means that we under­stand what works bril­liant­ly. So for exam­ple, while ampli­fied music is not per­mit­ted in out­door spaces, we can rec­om­mend a host of roam­ing bands and acoustic acts that cre­ate the ide­al atmos­phere for your cer­e­mo­ny and reception. 

In fact, you don’t need to look any fur­ther to plan the enter­tain­ment for your whole Silch­ester Farm wed­ding day. From string quar­tets to epic par­ty bands and DJs who know how to fill a dance floor, sim­ply scroll down and start choos­ing the music that best reflects you. 

Logis­tics and set­ting up: What you need to know 

First things first, let’s talk about the fin­er details. One of the main ques­tions that we get asked is about the logis­tics of get­ting your band in, set up, and ready to go. Most bands will require between 60 and 90 min­utes to get set up and ready from the point at which they have unob­struct­ed access to the per­for­mance space in front of the beau­ti­ful pic­ture window.

There is always a nat­ur­al lull after din­ner where guests are hap­py min­gling, tak­ing in the stun­ning sur­round­ings, and in the sum­mer this is the per­fect time to get some sun­set shots in the gor­geous grounds of the farm. This can be the per­fect time for the band to load in, set up and sound check. Before you know it and are back from your pic­tures, the band is ready to go for your cake-cut­ting and first dance.

The Guitar Duo at Silchester Farm Megan Donati Photgraphy

If you are more pushed for time or con­dens­ing your day with a lat­er cer­e­mo­ny, you may wish to con­sid­er an ear­ly arrival of the band so they are set and ready before you even enter The Cow­shed. This means that the band is set and ready to per­form from the very moment you want them in the evening with­out the need for any turn­around. Depend­ing on the band and your tim­ings, there may be an addi­tion­al fee for an ear­li­er arrival, but that lit­tle extra can make the dif­fer­ence to your evening.

With both options, it is always best to talk it through with our team. Once you’ve had a look at this page and short­list­ed your ide­al acts, why not get in touch with us and we can always help guide you through the day.

What if the band I want isn’t on this page? 

All of the bands on this page have been spe­cial­ly select­ed for their suit­abil­i­ty. Silch­ester Farm is a bliss­ful­ly rur­al loca­tion and as such, it takes into account the sur­round­ing area. This means that there are very well thought out and spe­cif­ic guide­lines on what music can be played where through­out the venue. For exam­ple, non-ampli­fied music out­doors and small­er bands for indoor per­for­mances. But this does­n’t mean that you need to com­pro­mise on your big day! We have a huge range of bands who are ide­al for this venue list­ed below. 

Cer­e­mo­ny and Drinks Reception

With­in the enchant­i­ng venue, Silch­ester Farm offers three exquis­ite cer­e­mo­ny spaces: The Thresh­ing Barn, The Pon­toon, and The Dutch Barn. Each space exudes ele­gance, pro­vid­ing the per­fect back­drop for your wed­ding cer­e­mo­ny and drinks reception.

While ampli­fied music that requires speak­er sys­tems is not per­mit­ted for out­door per­for­mances, we’ve got you cov­ered. Gecko proud­ly presents a diverse selec­tion of tal­ent­ed per­form­ers, rang­ing from gui­tarists and string quar­tets to mes­mer­iz­ing roam­ing bands. Regard­less of your pref­er­ence, these excep­tion­al musi­cians are well-suit­­ed for the Silch­ester expe­ri­ence, ensur­ing a seam­less and extra­or­di­nary musi­cal ambiance. Please note that some of the acoustic acts below do use ampli­fi­ca­tion for their per­for­mances, and are unable to per­form over at the Pon­toon area at Silchester.

The Guitar Duo Wedding Music at Silchester Gecko Live Entertainment
The Guitar Duo at Silchester Farm

Evening Cel­e­bra­tion and Party

Silch­ester Farm is a tru­ly unique and strik­ing venue mak­ing it a great place to try some­thing dif­fer­ent. Com­pact acts that are capa­ble of mak­ing a big impact work bril­liant­ly here and are prov­ing incred­i­bly pop­u­lar on the wed­ding enter­tain­ment scene. An act such as a DJ with per­cus­sion or a singer can deliv­er a bespoke set that gets the par­ty jump­ing, and, with some DJs offer­ing audi­ence par­tic­i­pa­tion, your guests will be talk­ing about them for months to come. 

Silent dis­cos are also a fan­tas­tic way to get your guests on the floor danc­ing and gen­er­al­ly hav­ing a blast. Because you can eas­i­ly between three chan­nels, there’s some­thing for every taste — and there’s noth­ing more amus­ing for peo­ple min­gling and chat­ting on the side­line than a bunch of peo­ple danc­ing and singing to silence! 

Take a look at some of our incred­i­bly tal­ent­ed, per­cus­sion-based acts below and add those that you like to your Gecko list to sub­mit a request for avail­abil­i­ty for your big day!

Wedding DJ for Hire Gecko Live Entertainment
Silchester Wedding DJ Packages
Our classic wedding DJ package comes with everything you could need for an awesome evening of music. Party lighting, an experienced and non-cheesy DJ, a library of over 100,000 tracks, and knowledge of how to get the most from your evening wedding party.

Silch­ester Live Par­ty Bands

The Cow­shed at Silch­ester Farm boasts a top-notch built-in sound sys­tem that excels at dis­trib­ut­ing music through­out the barn. With care­ful con­fig­u­ra­tion, the sound can be enhanced at the end where the band and dance floor reside, while main­tain­ing a soft­er ambiance near the bar area. This ensures a bal­anced audio expe­ri­ence, allow­ing every­one to enjoy the music at just the right volume.

To opti­mise the live music expe­ri­ence at Silch­ester, we rec­om­mend small­er bands that strike the per­fect bal­ance and com­ple­ment the venue’s acoustics. There is a max­i­mum lim­it of five per­form­ers for bands, with the flex­i­bil­i­ty to include one tal­ent­ed horn play­er, be it a sax­o­phone or trum­pet. This restric­tion ensures that you can choose from a bril­liant selec­tion of bands in our ros­ter with­out com­pro­mis­ing on the qual­i­ty or excite­ment of your evening party.

Gravity Surrey Party Wedding Band Gecko Live Entertainment
Gravity Performing at Silchester Farm

Talk to us about your wedding at Silchester Farm

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AKA Party Band Live Band at Silchester Farm Gecko Live Entertainment